Saturday, January 3, 2009

The Philippines!!

You made it! You left the MTC December 1, 2008, and after lots of time in the air and on the ground, you arrived! As a mom, I must admit, I was more excited to have you in the MTC - an hour away - than half way round the world, but was so excited you made it and you had only positive things to say about the whole trip! Your first companion is Elder Robertson from Mapleton, Utah. What a great way to start - with a companion who has so many of the same interests and hobbies as you! Friendly people, "friendly" mosquitoes (lots of them), and getting a taste of new foods and ideas was a common theme! You and Elder Robertson were opening up a new area, so it was awhile before you got settled in Foster City in your own apartment. With a lot of investigators and visiting of members, you were "engaged in a good work" from the beginning.

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