Sunday, January 18, 2009

Gordon C. Smith, Mission President, and his wife with Zach in the Philippines.

We received a letter at the end of December 2008 stating "Your son is assigned in the Daet Zone, to labor in the San Vicente Daet area. His companion is Elder Samuel Robertson. ... This is a wonderful mission, and your son is in for one of the greatest experiences of his life. With your support and encouragement, he will mature and progress beyond your expecations. He will develop a great love for his fellow missionaries, as well as for the people we serve and bless.

Saturday, January 3, 2009

Christmas Call

We waited with great anticipation for your phone call at 6:00 a.m. Christmas morning. What a wonderful way to start the day! It was so great to hear your voice and just chat with you for awhile. That 45 minutes went awfully fast! It was Christmas Day night (9:00 p.m.) in the Philippines. You had had a great day - had a zone conference that morning, had visited with members and investigators, and you had been fed, fed, and then fed some more! Elder Robertson was in the background making you both some eggnog as we spoke! You mentioned you were now settled in your apartment, with what sounded like pretty nice amenities. The weather is rainy (drizzle or downpour) almost everyday, with some sunshine mixed in. You were only a couple of hours away from the mission home, used mostly jeepneys or tricycles with side car or walking for transportation. Your language is coming along - you were able to help with a first discussion in Tagalog. You have given your first "short notice" talk in sacrament meeting. The mosquitoes are still a problem, but you are adjusting and learning how to deal with them. You had fun with the Christmas package we sent and enjoyed sleeping on the pillowcase we made - now that you have a pillow! You sounded happy, excited to be there, and already gaining a love for the people of the Philippines! We look forward to Mother's Day to hear your voice once again!

The Philippines!!

You made it! You left the MTC December 1, 2008, and after lots of time in the air and on the ground, you arrived! As a mom, I must admit, I was more excited to have you in the MTC - an hour away - than half way round the world, but was so excited you made it and you had only positive things to say about the whole trip! Your first companion is Elder Robertson from Mapleton, Utah. What a great way to start - with a companion who has so many of the same interests and hobbies as you! Friendly people, "friendly" mosquitoes (lots of them), and getting a taste of new foods and ideas was a common theme! You and Elder Robertson were opening up a new area, so it was awhile before you got settled in Foster City in your own apartment. With a lot of investigators and visiting of members, you were "engaged in a good work" from the beginning.